To manually post your Marketplace buy to for visibility, use the Seller Information Link provided on the buy.  To locate this link:

  1. Go to and login to your dashboard.
  2. Once logged in, locate the buy you would like to manually post to SAM.
    1. If the solicitation is open, you should be able to see it immediately on your dashboard under the "Open Buys" tab.
    2. If the solicitation is closed or awarded, go to the “Pending Award” tab, or hover over the “Buy History” tab and select “Awarded Buys” to find the requirement.
  3. Once you have found your solicitation, click on the Buy number and in the Buy Information section of the page, find where it states, “Seller Information Link”.
  4. Once you have found the “Seller Information Link”, click on the symbol located next to the “Seller View” button and you will receive a message stating that the link has been copied.
    1. You may also obtain the link for the buy by selecting “Seller View“ and copying the URL from there.

You may now navigate to to paste your copied buy link within your opportunity posting.