Creating a Buy is fast and easy! The process takes approximately 10 minutes for the average purchase requirement. The process consists of a few simple steps:

  1. Once signed in, click on the ‘Create New Buy’ link under the Quick Links menu.
  2. Input Buy Description, Internal Description and Solicitation Number (Internal Description and Solicitation Number are for internal use only and will not be viewed by Sellers); determine the bidding End Date and Time; choose the Contract Vehicle under which you would like to receive bid responses; select any applicable Seller Community; determine desired Set- Aside Requirements, which will dictate which Sellers are allowed to view and bid on the Buy; decide whether the Sellers should bid ‘Brand Name Only (Exact Match)’ to specification, ‘Meet or Exceed’, or ‘Brand Name or Equal’; select Payment Type and click the ‘Continue’ button.
  3. Select the desired Category and Subcategory by clicking on the appropriate link.
  4. Add Line Items including Line Item Description, Quantity, and Unit of Measure for each; and click the ‘Continue’ button.
  5. Define the terms of the Buy and click the ‘Continue’ button.
  6. Set the Bid Decrement (the minimum amount by which a Seller must lower their bid in order to rebid) and input Total Target Price (IGE) and choose whether or not to make it active. Add any Suggested Sellers that you would like to specifically include in the Buy (be sure to include any Seller that provided the basis for an Active Target Price). Assign a shipping address. If the desired shipping location is not in the drop down list, add the address by clicking on the ‘Manage Address Book’ button and click the ‘Continue’ button.
  7. Confirm your information. If there is a need to edit the auction specifications, click on the ‘Edit’ button to return to previous pages; otherwise, click the ‘Post Buy’ button, and your requirement will be posted to the applicable Seller Community.

If at anytime you need help creating a Buy or you are unsure if you qualify to participate, please contact Marketplace Support here or call 1.877.933.3243.