Yes. Buyers, through their Solicitation, may require documentation as part of or to support a bid (e.g., to support equal items or exceed items under 'Brand Name or Equal' or 'Meet or Exceed' solicitations).
Should the Solicitation specifically request pricing information, Sellers must include the Unison Marketplace fee within each unit price so it matches their Bid as it appears on the Marketplace. However, information-only costs (such as MSRP, trade-in values, overage costs, etc.) are generally acceptable. Not including the Unison Marketplace fee may be considered an offline bid. Unison Marketplace's disallowance of offline bids helps Buyers maintain the integrity of the competitive process by enabling Buyers to conduct all procurements pursuant to uniform ground rules that treat all Sellers impartially, fairly, and equitably. In turn, Sellers have confidence that they are competing on a level playing field that truly rewards best value bidding.