When an organization submits a new Seller Organization and Representative registration on Unison Marketplace, they will need to designate a company Point of Contact, Accounts Payable Representative and Seller Representative. The differences among these three roles are listed below:

Point of Contact (POC): The company POC may be contacted to verify additional Seller Representatives that register under the organization and/or if there is an update with the organization's account. The POC does not have log-in ability for Unison Marketplace, and will need to register as a Seller Representative in order to access their organization's profile and place bids.

Accounts Payable (AP): The AP Representative may be contacted by Unison Marketplace's Accounts Receivable/Invoicing department to remit the Unison Marketplace Fee on awarded buys. The AP Representative does not have log-in ability for Unison Marketplace, and will need to register as a Seller Representative in order to access their organization's profile and place bids.

Seller Representative: A Seller Representative is responsible for submitting offers or bids on the Unison Marketplace. Only a Seller Representative will be able to log into Unison Marketplace with their email address and password to view and bid on buys.