Bidding & Bid Terms

What is the bid download/upload template?
Pricing can now be put together with or without internet access and easily uploaded at your convenience with the "Bid Upload Template". This featu...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2019 at 4:20 PM
I need to specify certain costs within my Bid. Can I do this in my description or attachment?
Per the Unison Marketplace Terms of Use, pricing that is directly related to the Bid Price is not permitted within a Seller's Line Item Description, att...
Wed, 6 Mar, 2019 at 10:43 AM
What if the Unison Marketplace Fee causes my Selected Bid to exceed my applicable published government contract pricing?
If Unison Marketplace receives notice that, due to inclusion of the Unison Marketplace Fee, the Selected Bid’s line item pricing is higher than the pricing ...
Wed, 6 Mar, 2019 at 10:48 AM
When the requested delivery is preferred, can I offer a number of delivery days greater than the Buyer’s preference?
If the Buyer has not required a specific number of days for delivery, the number you enter may exceed the one preferred by the Buyer.
Wed, 6 Mar, 2019 at 10:51 AM
When should I submit a bid?
All bids must be submitted before the Unison Marketplace closing time of a buy; however, it is at the Seller’s discretion when to submit their bid before th...
Wed, 6 Mar, 2019 at 10:54 AM
What are the Manufacturer and Part Number fields and why do I need them?
On the Line Items page, entering information into the Manufacturer and Part Number fields is mandatory on all Buys that are marked with a Buy Description of...
Wed, 6 Mar, 2019 at 11:21 AM
Why was my Bid removed?
When your bid is removed from a given buy, you will receive an automated notice letting you know that the bid was removed, which will provide a reason for r...
Wed, 6 Mar, 2019 at 11:38 AM
What does multiple currency support mean for me as a Seller?
Buyers will have the ability to receive bids in multiple currencies on a single buy. When this functionality is active on a buy, Sellers will have the abili...
Thu, 21 Mar, 2019 at 1:31 PM
Do I have to bid in an international currency if it’s listed?
No. Bids are always accepted in USD.
Thu, 21 Mar, 2019 at 1:32 PM
What if I don’t see my local currency listed on a buy?
To be eligible for award all Sellers must submit their bids in the currencies requested by the Buyer. However, a Seller may submit a question requesting the...
Tue, 13 Aug, 2024 at 11:39 AM